Excerpt Monday

April 13, 2009 at 3:24 pm (excerpt Monday) ()

Today is excerpt Monday over at Romance Divas, a writing group to which I belong.  So I thought it would be fun to participate.  This is a scene from the first book of my YA Soulguard series.  The heroine, Voirey Cruz, just moved to Denver from Albuquerque, NM because her father died and left them with nothing but a hotel they aren’t capable of putting on the market at the moment because of economic conditions.  They’re forced to live in it instead.

I pulled my earbuds out and slung them over my shoulder, putting my iPod in the pocket of my hoodie as we pulled to a stop, the gravel drive crunching under our wheels. Three cars rested in the drive. A shiny black SUV and two older model Ford trucks. My mom parked at the end of the row.

“Those other cars probably belong to Mr. Weeks’ sons. Remember I mentioned them?” My mother reapplied her lipstick. She’d become really into lipstick since she decided to become mega-mom. Like super moms all wore lipstick, and if she had enough on, it would keep the real world at bay.

Of course I remembered the Weeks boys. Like any girl worth her weight, they were the only thing that I found remotely interesting about this new arrangement. We couldn’t get out of this deal until the economy improved so we would be here at least a year. More likely until I graduated college. Assuming, of course, that I was able to get enough scholarships to pay for college since dad had also spent my college fund on this giant eyesore.

But the plus side was, as always, boys. Mr. Weeks had two sons. One biological and one adopted. There was no guarantee that either Cutter or Griffin Weeks were going to be attractive or interesting, but boys were boys and in the event of boredom it would give me something to do. And I anticipated a lot of boredom.

We pulled our supply of bags from the trunk and toted them onto the porch. We didn’t have any furniture. We’d sold our house and almost everything in it to settle the bills that we’d suddenly realized we had no money to pay. All we had left were personal belongings like clothing, pictures and the music and books that mom couldn’t force me to part with.

The door slammed open, hit the wall and swung back towards the entryway. But the giant of a man striding out wasn’t bothered. He just forced it open again. “Well, there you are. I was beginning to worry. The first storm of the year is rolling in and you don’t want to get caught in it. Not up here.”

He glanced at our car with thin lips, his disapproval evident. It wouldn’t suit for the weather but there was no chance of getting something else. Even my lame little Honda had been sold.

“You must be Josiah Weeks.” My mother’s neck was flushed when she offered Mr. Weeks her hand.

“Just Joe.” He shook her hand and then turned to me and did the same. “And you must be Jan and Voirey Cruz.”

Joe was large, tall and muscular in a rangy way. His hair was blond, turning white at the temples and slightly in need of a trim. He was pretty hot for an old guy but I wasn’t sure if that was why my mother was embarrassed or if it was something else entirely. Like her hair was out of place or she had a run in her sweater set.

In a flannel shirt and dark jeans, he was the very picture of a Colorado Mountain Man. At least the visual image I had. He didn’t, however, have the look of a stage magician. Maybe he had a tuxedo and a rabbit bearing hat that cleaned up the picture. “Boys, come and help with the bags.”

I didn’t know which boy was Joe’s and which was adopted but I only had to see them for a moment to know. One of them was tall and blond like Joe, though his hair was long, down to his shoulders almost.

He was actually taller than his father, lanky and curiously elegant as he crossed the porch and headed for our bags. His face was extraordinarily attractive, sculpted like the statues of angels I’d seen in art history class. His features, unlike his father’s, were delicately carved and truly breathtaking. His mouth was full and almost soft looking. He was so good looking he was like a male model. I would almost use the word beautiful. Certainly he was prettier than me.

“This is Cutter.” Joe beamed at his son like he was poetry in motion while Cutter scooped up an arm full of bags and nodded my way before trooping inside.

That meant the other, the one who was clearly not Josiah Weeks’ biological son, was Griffin. Griffin wasn’t as fast or seemingly as interested in playing bellboy as his brother had been. Nor was he as physically intimidating or beautiful. He wandered out the door and looked between me and my mom. His hands were in his pockets and he clearly wasn’t seeking an introduction.

He was Irish, somewhere down the line. His skin was pale white, slightly freckled across the nose, and harsh against his coal black hair. The white of his skin wasn’t helped by the dark eyeliner he wore or the black ball on the piercing in the middle of his bottom lip. He stared at me like he didn’t care that it was impolite, but he didn’t look mean or aggressive, just mildly curious.

I took in his long tight sweater and tight black jeans. He had a very impressive body for a kid about six months my senior. He wasn’t tall, not like his father and brother, but he was muscled from top to bottom, like an athlete. But I had a hard time believing that punk boy here was an athlete of any kind.

My mother beamed at him. I had no idea why. Cutter was way more her type. For a brunette who’d married a Latino, she was curiously impressed by blonds. She also violently hated piercings. But here Griffin was with a big old obvious one and she didn’t seem to care. Maybe she would be willing to bend about my eyebrow if Griffin impressed her that much. But probably now wasn’t the time to bring it up.

Finally he seemed to finish his evaluation of me.He nodded in my direction, grabbed the rest of the bags and headed into the inn.  Joe’s glance at his other son wasn’t nearly as approving.  But who knew why.

So, here are some links to others playing at except Monday.  I only included those which are something I wouldn’t mind you guys linking too.  Or myself, either.  (I’m very sensitive, you know 😉 )









Have fun reading!


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Oooh Scary…

April 10, 2009 at 3:48 pm (movies, Pop Culture)

As a person who doesn’t find scary movies particular scary I sometimes get a kick out of watching them just for the cheesiness factor.  But I hate the new trend in horror movies that pretty much prohibits them from having a happy ending.  I mean, what is that about?  Hello, evil always wins?  You’re harshing my mellow Hollywood producer people.  But there are a few movies that hang on in my psyche.   Doesn’t mean they’re good, just that I remember them.   If they’re rated R don’t watch them unless you are seventeen or over or accompanied by a paying adult, K. 😉

Arachnophobia–I remember watching this movie with my best friend when I was in middle school or very early high school.  We went to the theater to watch it.  I am afraid of spiders but this movie didn’t scare me.  The ick factor, however, was extremely high.

Dawn of the Dead–While not as good as Shawn of the Dead, this movie has its moments.  I especially like that the survivors take refuge in a shopping mall.  There has to be a joke in there somewhere…

The Fly–Just thinking about this movie makes me throw up a little in my mouth.  If your gross tolerance level isn’t high just give this one a pass.

Mothman Prophecies–On record, except for Silver Bullet when I was eight, Mothman Prophecies is the only horror movie to ever actually scare me.  I mean, like, I was a married woman with a child at the time and I kept thinking I was seeing little Mothmen out my window.  And it isn’t the mothmen that are scary in this movie.  I’m just saying.

Silver Bullet–Speaking of which, when you’re eight, maybe older I don’t know, this movie is petrifying.  When he sees the priest with the eye patch.  Wow.

The Changling–Scary, eh.  It can be sometimes.  But I remember this movie for the house it is filmed in.  Let me have the house, please.  I’m begging you.  You can’t get a house that gorgeous in New Mexico.  Everything here is made out of pink stucco.

Evil Dead–This movie is less scary than, say, hilarious.  And Bruce Campbell is art.

The Ring–There are no words to describe how dumb I thought this movie was.  But that isn’t the point of this blog.  Just that it stayed with me all this time.  And that has to count for something right?

The Haunting–If you’re going to go watch this movie please get the original black and white 1963 which is truly frightening.  As opposed to the 1999 version which is just absurd.

So if you like things a little tense here’s something to do with your Saturday night (assuming, of course, you’ve got nothing better to do or someone worth cuddling with when you just can’t stand to look.)


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Thirteen Prom Dresses That Are Better Than Mine Was

April 9, 2009 at 4:06 pm (fashion)


So I was going into the store the other day to buy a birthday cake and I saw a girl in her prom dress.  It was the first round of proms around here.  Most are still coming.  I don’t know about you guys but prom was one school activity that I had some enthusiasm about.  I was eager and ready to go.  But it took me FOREVER to find a dress.  And at the time I was very happy with it.  But it was 1993 and fashion was questionable.  Here I am.


I’m the one in the middle.  The dress was Jessica McClintock, in toilet water blue.  And yeah, I loved it.  Don’t judge me. 😉 (Note the fingerless gloves for a little extra dose of scariness.)

Obviously times have changed.  But the search for the perfect prom dress will never change.  Maybe it was because I was already dating someone at the time but I worried more about the dress than I ever did about the date.   So here’s thirteen prom dresses that I conceed might be a little better than my lace covered teal monstrosity of old.  All come from prom girl.

1. prom2000_2045_7181025

Okay this is just cute.  I am partial to plaid and, admittedly, to pink.  I would totally wear this.  If I wouldn’t look ridiculous in it.  So you should totally wear it instead.

2. prom2000_2045_45252058

This dress is very 1930’s starlet which is always elegant and perfect no matter when it happens.  But I think you’d better be going the minimalist route in the chest area if you hope to pull this one off.  (Read: if you’ve got big boobs this probably isn’t the dress for you.)

3.  prom2000_2045_60618262

This is cute and flirty.  Maybe a little less formal but still very nice.

4.  prom2000_2045_63356044

I love this dress.  First of all I love brown.  And it’s elegant and fun at the same time.  And I love the touch of sparklies.

5.  prom2000_2046_5929601

Okay, this one is Sooooo cute.  It’s very retro while still being fresh and new.  The sparkly green screams, “look at me, I’m confident and cute.”

6.  prom2000_2047_13734006

I’ll admit it.  I’m a sucker for polka dots.  I wasn’t very girly in school and I’m not sure when my girly side came out, but it’s sure there now.  Love this.

7.  prom2000_2048_288111951

This is a va va voom kind of dress.  If you’re super confident and don’t mind, forget that LOVE, getting attention this is for you.

8.  prom2000_2048_41432854

Here’s another attention getting but I guess the showgirl in me just loves this kind of crap.  Because this thing is smoking.

9.  prom2000_2048_46693727

Red is always a winner.  This is a dress you should probably avoid unless you’re the lean type.  (read: not me!)  Minimal curves will help this one hang right.

10.  prom2000_2049_3456244

First of all I love this color.  It’s great.  And it’s an awesome choice for all those curvy girls that didn’t score with the dress above.

11.  prom2000_2049_13631362

This is another less formal but definitely flirty dress.  If you’re the type who is more cute than glamorous this is a definite front runner.

12.  prom2000_2049_14123850

I’m going to go ahead and grant you that this dress is a bit much but if you’re the sort who can bring the drama baby than this is the way to go.  Look at that draped netting over the bronze skirt.

13.  prom2000_2049_15694841

Here’s another sparkler.  But with a very nice, clean cut that makes carrying off that much bling easier.

And as a bonus (if you order today 😉 ) I read a book about a month ago that fits perfectly today.  It’s an older book but if you haven’t read it I suggest you do.

top-10Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress by Tina Ferraro is clever and funny.  I laughed out loud several times.  And Jared is one of the hottest characters I’ve read in a long time.  YA or adult.  Makes me wish I was seventeen again.

Happy proming!


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I’m Lovin’ It #1

April 8, 2009 at 4:41 pm (I'm Lovin' It)

So I’m figuring Wednesday would be a good day for product recommendation.   So from now on every hump day you’re getting a recommendation of something amazing.

The product is pretty ridiculous as far as cost.  I paid sixty bucks for a can at Sephora but it lasts for a while (note: it lasts for awhile as long as children don’t get a hold of it and spray it on the counter, so keep brothers and sisters away.)  If you don’t have a Sephora in your town you can always shop on line, though it might be hard to get the color right if you don’t already know.

What is it?  Christian Dior AirFlash Spray Foundation.


I freaking love this stuff.  It doesn’t feel heavy but it offers a lot of coverage.  I have freckles and (let’s face it, dirty little secret) acne.  So I have a lot of stuff to cover without liking the feel of makeup.  This stuff does it.  It offers a pretty flawless final picture.

Downsides?  It’s super exspensive.  Also, it will get in your hair and on your clothes so cover up the head and spray before you dress.  I’m just saying.


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So this morning

April 7, 2009 at 3:24 pm (Pop Culture)

While I was messing around with the internet I came across this picture.


Heaven knows I love me some Katy Perry, even when she’s running around kissing girls.  But this pant suit is like…wow.  It looks like this

And no I don't know who these people are.

And no I don't know who these people are...

had a torrid affair with this


And this absurd pantsuit is the result.  And yet she still looks good in it.  Maybe it’s the aura of coolness that lets her get away with that thing.  ‘Cause it can’t be anything else.


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Just dropping in to say hello.

April 7, 2009 at 3:40 am (Uncategorized)

This is my first blog here.  I just wanted to show my face and say hello.  Please feel free to look around and leave a comment.  Tomorrow I have some things to say that might be interesting.  But right now, I’ve got writing to do while my kids are asleep and my husband is watching TV.  Sci Fi Channel, if you’re interested.  Geek chic is so hot right now. 😉

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